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Name Words Type
Mana Level Magic
Soul Premium Vocations:
House Kick alana sio Instant 0 0 0 0 no
House Door List aleta grav Instant 0 0 0 0 no
House Subowner List aleta som Instant 0 0 0 0 no
House Guest List aleta sio Instant 0 0 0 0 no
Zurki Healing exura zurki Instant 11 1 0 0 no None
Magic Patch exura infir Instant 6 1 0 0 no Sorcerer
Master Sorcerer
Elder Druid
Royal Paladin
Chill Out exevo infir frigo hur Instant 8 1 0 0 no Druid
Elder Druid
Mud Attack exori infir tera Instant 6 1 0 0 no Druid
Elder Druid
Scorch exevo infir flam hur Instant 8 1 0 0 no Sorcerer
Master Sorcerer
Buzz exori infir vis Instant 6 1 0 0 no Sorcerer
Master Sorcerer
Bruise Bane exura infir ico Instant 10 1 0 0 no Knight
Elite Knight
Wound Cleansing exura ico Instant 40 8 0 0 no Knight
Elite Knight
Apprentice's Strike exori min flam Instant 6 8 0 0 no Sorcerer
Master Sorcerer
Elder Druid
Light Healing exura Instant 20 8 0 0 no Sorcerer
Master Sorcerer
Elder Druid
Royal Paladin
Light utevo lux Instant 20 8 0 0 no Sorcerer
Master Sorcerer
Elder Druid
Royal Paladin
Elite Knight
Find Person exiva Instant 20 8 0 0 no Sorcerer
Master Sorcerer
Elder Druid
Royal Paladin
Elite Knight
Magic Rope exani tera Instant 20 9 0 0 yes Sorcerer
Master Sorcerer
Elder Druid
Royal Paladin
Elite Knight
Cure Poison exana pox Instant 30 10 0 0 no Sorcerer
Master Sorcerer
Elder Druid
Royal Paladin
Elite Knight
Knives Tar Zurki tar zurki Instant 25 11 0 0 yes None
Knives Gran Tar Zurki gran tar zurki Instant 55 11 0 0 yes None
Energy Strike exori vis Instant 20 12 0 0 yes Sorcerer
Master Sorcerer
Elder Druid
Levitate exani hur Instant 50 12 0 0 yes Sorcerer
Master Sorcerer
Elder Druid
Royal Paladin
Elite Knight
Terra Strike exori tera Instant 20 13 0 0 yes Sorcerer
Master Sorcerer
Elder Druid
Great Light utevo gran lux Instant 60 13 0 0 no Sorcerer
Master Sorcerer
Elder Druid
Royal Paladin
Elite Knight
Magic Shield utamo vita Instant 50 14 0 0 no Sorcerer
Master Sorcerer
Elder Druid
Haste utani hur Instant 60 14 0 0 yes Sorcerer
Master Sorcerer
Elder Druid
Royal Paladin
Elite Knight
Flame Strike exori flam Instant 20 14 0 0 yes Sorcerer
Master Sorcerer
Elder Druid
Food exevo pan Instant 120 14 0 1 no Druid
Elder Druid
Ice Strike exori frigo Instant 20 15 0 0 yes Sorcerer
Master Sorcerer
Elder Druid
Physical Strike exori moe ico Instant 20 16 0 0 yes Druid
Elder Druid
Death Strike exori mort Instant 20 16 0 0 yes Sorcerer
Master Sorcerer
Brutal Strike exori ico Instant 30 16 0 0 yes Knight
Elite Knight
Ice Wave exevo frigo hur Instant 25 18 0 0 no Druid
Elder Druid
Heal Friend exura sio Instant 140 18 0 0 yes Druid
Elder Druid
Fire Wave exevo flam hur Instant 25 18 0 0 no Sorcerer
Master Sorcerer
Challenge exeta res Instant 30 20 0 0 yes Elite Knight
Intense Healing exura gran Instant 70 20 0 0 no Sorcerer
Master Sorcerer
Elder Druid
Royal Paladin
Strong Haste utani gran hur Instant 100 20 0 0 yes Sorcerer
Master Sorcerer
Elder Druid
Cure Electrification exana vis Instant 30 22 0 0 yes Druid
Elder Druid
Ethereal Spear exori con Instant 25 23 0 0 yes Paladin
Royal Paladin
Creature Illusion utevo res ina Instant 100 23 0 0 no Sorcerer
Master Sorcerer
Elder Druid
Energy Beam exevo vis lux Instant 40 23 0 0 no Sorcerer
Master Sorcerer
Summon Creature utevo res Instant 0 25 0 0 no Sorcerer
Master Sorcerer
Elder Druid
Charge utani tempo hur Instant 100 25 0 0 yes Knight
Elite Knight
Cancel Invisibility exana ina Instant 200 26 0 0 yes Paladin
Royal Paladin
Ultimate Light utevo vis lux Instant 140 26 0 0 yes Sorcerer
Master Sorcerer
Elder Druid
Ignite utori flam Instant 30 26 0 0 yes Sorcerer
Master Sorcerer
Whirlwind Throw exori hur Instant 40 28 0 0 yes Knight
Elite Knight
Great Energy Beam exevo gran vis lux Instant 110 29 0 0 no Sorcerer
Master Sorcerer
Ultimate Healing exura vita Instant 160 30 0 0 no Sorcerer
Master Sorcerer
Elder Druid
Cure Burning exana flam Instant 30 30 0 0 yes Druid
Elder Druid
Enchant Party utori mas sio Instant 120 32 0 0 yes Sorcerer
Master Sorcerer
Protect Party utamo mas sio Instant 90 32 0 0 yes Paladin
Royal Paladin
Train Party utito mas sio Instant 60 32 0 0 yes Knight
Elite Knight
Heal Party utura mas sio Instant 120 32 0 0 yes Druid
Elder Druid
Groundshaker exori mas Instant 160 33 0 0 yes Knight
Elite Knight
Electrify utori vis Instant 30 34 0 0 yes Sorcerer
Master Sorcerer
Invisibility utana vid Instant 440 35 0 0 no Sorcerer
Master Sorcerer
Elder Druid
Berserk exori Instant 115 35 0 0 yes Knight
Elite Knight
Divine Healing exura san Instant 160 35 0 0 no Paladin
Royal Paladin
Mass Healing exura gran mas res Instant 150 36 0 0 yes Druid
Elder Druid
Energy Wave exevo vis hur Instant 170 38 0 0 no Sorcerer
Master Sorcerer
Terra Wave exevo tera hur Instant 210 38 0 0 no Druid
Elder Druid
Divine Missile exori san Instant 20 40 0 0 yes Paladin
Royal Paladin
Strong Ice Wave exevo gran frigo hur Instant 170 40 0 0 yes Druid
Elder Druid
Inflict Wound utori kor Instant 30 40 0 0 yes Knight
Elite Knight
Cure Bleeding exana kor Instant 30 45 0 0 yes Druid
Elder Druid
Elite Knight
Envenom utori pox Instant 30 50 0 0 yes Druid
Elder Druid
Divine Caldera exevo mas san Instant 160 50 0 0 yes Paladin
Royal Paladin
Recovery utura Instant 75 50 0 0 yes Paladin
Royal Paladin
Elite Knight
Swift Foot utamo tempo san Instant 400 55 0 0 yes Paladin
Royal Paladin
Wrath of Nature exevo gran mas tera Instant 700 55 0 0 yes Druid
Elder Druid
Lightning exori amp vis Instant 60 55 0 0 yes Sorcerer
Master Sorcerer
Rage of the Skies exevo gran mas vis Instant 600 55 0 0 yes Sorcerer
Master Sorcerer
Protector utamo tempo Instant 200 55 0 0 yes Knight
Elite Knight
Eternal Winter exevo gran mas frigo Instant 1050 60 0 0 yes Druid
Elder Druid
Blood Rage utito tempo Instant 290 60 0 0 yes Knight
Elite Knight
Sharpshooter utito tempo san Instant 450 60 0 0 yes Paladin
Royal Paladin
Salvation exura gran san Instant 210 60 0 0 yes Paladin
Royal Paladin
Hell's Core exevo gran mas flam Instant 1100 60 0 0 yes Sorcerer
Master Sorcerer
Strong Flame Strike exori gran flam Instant 60 70 0 0 yes Sorcerer
Master Sorcerer
Strong Terra Strike exori gran tera Instant 60 70 0 0 yes Druid
Elder Druid
Front Sweep exori min Instant 200 70 0 0 yes Knight
Elite Knight
Holy Flash utori san Instant 30 70 0 0 yes Paladin
Royal Paladin
Curse utori mort Instant 30 75 0 0 yes Sorcerer
Master Sorcerer
Intense Wound Cleansing exura gran ico Instant 200 80 0 0 yes Knight
Elite Knight
Cure Curse exana mort Instant 40 80 0 0 yes Paladin
Royal Paladin
Strong Ice Strike exori gran frigo Instant 60 80 0 0 yes Druid
Elder Druid
Strong Energy Strike exori gran vis Instant 60 80 0 0 yes Sorcerer
Master Sorcerer
Ultimate Flame Strike exori max flam Instant 100 90 0 0 yes Sorcerer
Master Sorcerer
Ultimate Terra Strike exori max tera Instant 100 90 0 0 yes Druid
Elder Druid
Fierce Berserk exori gran Instant 340 90 0 0 yes Knight
Elite Knight
Strong Ethereal Spear exori gran con Instant 55 90 0 0 yes Paladin
Royal Paladin
Ultimate Energy Strike exori max vis Instant 100 100 0 0 yes Sorcerer
Master Sorcerer
Ultimate Ice Strike exori max frigo Instant 100 100 0 0 yes Druid
Elder Druid
Intense Recovery utura gran Instant 165 100 0 0 yes Paladin
Royal Paladin
Elite Knight
Annihilation exori gran ico Instant 300 110 0 0 yes Knight
Elite Knight
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